Sending your child to 6th form boarding school is not easy; you have to ensure that other than getting a quality education they are also comfortable. This means that you cannot choose a boarding school based only on how the students perform; you have to take into account how well taken care of they are. That is why we recommend that you choose the Cambridge Centre for Sixth Form Studies or CCSS. This school has an excellent track record when it comes to academics – more than 90% of their students qualify for institutions of higher education. What this means is that if you send your child there they stand a good chance of qualifying for the university of their choice.
 In addition to delivering top quality education the CCSS takes excellent care of students. Here is what your child can expect if you enroll him or her there:
 • They get to live in safe boarding quarters. There are boarding lodges where 2 students get to share a room but if you don’t want this arrangement for your child you can pay a little more and have them in their own en suite room.
 • In the boarding quarters students are supervised at all times by a boarding manager. This individual is available for the students to talk to day and night should the need arise. He also walks students to their classes in the morning and escorts them back to the boarding facility in the afternoon after classes.
 • Students are given 3 meals a day and a snack after classes in the afternoon. All meals are balanced and students get lots of fruit and vegetables.
 • CCSS is about more than just education. They understand that students have to be well rounded so they have extracurricular activities that your child can enjoy. They offer several sports and students also get to go on excursions to museums and galleries. They also get shopping trips into London.
 • Weekends can be tedious if young people don’t an activity to keep them busy. That is why when there is good weather on the weekends the schools prepares a barbeque for the students.
 • Your child has all the resources they need to succeed. There is a library and because there is Wi-Fi in the dormitories students can research there on their laptops.
You can book a spot for your child at the Cambridge Center for Sixth Form Studies by visiting their website,

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